
Anchor Anchor is a super-simple, lightweight blog system, made to let you just write. Anchor is... Bludit Bludit is a simple web application to make your own blog in seconds, it's completly free and open... Bolt Bolt is a tool for Content Management, which strives to be as simple and straightforward as... CMS Made Simple CMS Made Simple provides a fast and easy way to create a professional web site and manage its... CMSimple CMSimple is a php based Content Managemant System (CMS), which requires no database. All data are... ClipperCMS ClipperCMS is a flexible and powerful open source content management system. You can use this web... Concrete5 Concrete5 makes running a website easy. Go to any page in your site, and a editing toolbar gives... Contao Contao is an open source content management system (CMS) for people who want a professional... Cotonti Cotonti is a powerful open-source web development framework and content manager with a focus on... Croogo Croogo is a free, open source, content management system for PHP. It is powered by CakePHP MVC... Drupal Drupal is an open-source platform and content management system for building dynamic web sites... Fiyo CMS Fiyo CMS is one of hundreds Content Management System available on the internet. Fiyo CMS is a... Fork Fork is an open source CMS that will rock your world. Fork CMS is dedicated to creating a user... Geeklog Geeklog is a PHP/MySQL based application for managing dynamic web content. "Out of the box",... Grav Grav is a Fast, Simple, and Flexible file-based Web-platform. Although Grav follows principles... Hotaru CMS   Hotaru CMS is open source CMS software written in PHP. It lets you easily run your own... ImpressCMS ImpressCMS is a community developed Content Management System for easily building and... ImpressPages CMS ImpressPages CMS is user friendly software. Its tools enable user to manage the content of... Jamroom Jamroom is a community content management system. It enables you to bring your entire community... Joomla Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites... Kirby Kirby is a file-based CMS with a beautiful web interface and thousands of customers world-wide.... Koken Koken is a free content management system designed for photographers, designers and artists.... MODx MODx helps you take control of your online content. An Open Source PHP application framework, it... Mahara Mahara is an open source e-portfolio system with a flexible display framework. Mahara, meaning... Mambo Mambo is a full-featured, award-winning content management system that can be used for... Microweber Microweber is an open source drag and drop CMS. The core idea of the software is to let you... Monstra Monstra is a fast and small content management system written in PHP! Monstra is the best CMS to... Open Business Card Open Business Card CMS is an easy free script (engine, CMS) that enables to build a buiness card... Open Real Estate Open Real Estate is a free software for building websites of real estate agencies and realtors.... PHP-Fusion PHP-Fusion is a light-weight open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP 5. It... PHP-Nuke PHP-Nuke is a web-based automated news publishing and content management system based on PHP and... Pimcore Pimcore is a powerful and robust Zend Framework based PHP content management system (WCMS) for... PluXml PluXml Blog or CMS to Xml No database : All data is stored in XML files. A simple file copy can... Pluck Pluck is your small and simple content management system, written in php. With pluck, you can... PopojiCMS PopojiCMS is one of the content management system created with a simple concept to facilitate... Precurio Precurio An Intranet solution that is affordable, easy to deploy, and just works. Precurio... ProcessWire ProcessWire is a free PHP5 content management system and framework (open source CMS/CMF) built to... PyroCMS PyroCMS is an open source, object oriented content management system built using PHP5 and... Quick.CMS Quick.CMS is comprehensive and easy to customize Content Management System helpfull in your web... Redaxscript Redaxscript is an ultra lightweight website engine, simplifying the world of complex online... Saurus Saurus is Free, Open Source Software for Building and Managing Websites. Saurus CMS ships with... SeoToaster CMS SeoToaster CMS is the most advanced SEO & marketing website building & management system... Silex Silex is a free and open source software that allows to create Flash and Html websites directly... SilverStripe SilverStripe CMS is an open source web content management system used by governments,... SiteCake SiteCake is a drag and drop CMS for simple websites. It lets you publish the content just by... Sitemagic CMS Sitemagic CMS is an amazing Content Management System that helps you build and maintain... Subrion Subrion is a stand-alone PHP content management system that is very easy to use. It comes with... TYPO3 TYPO3 is a free Open Source content management system for enterprise purposes on the web and... Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Tiki is a CMS/Groupware which offers a large number of features "out-of-the-box" arguably more... Typesetter Typesetter A Powerful, Lightweight, Flat-File CMS with True-WYSIWYG. Typesetter was designed to... Website Baker Website Baker is a PHP-based Content Management System (CMS) designed with one goal in mind: to... Xoops Xoops is an easy to use dynamic web content management system written in PHP. XOOPS is an... Zenario Zenario is a web-based content management system that can be used for simple or complex websites.... Zikula Zikula is a Web Application Toolkit, which allows you to run impressive websites and build... e107 e107 is a content management system written in PHP and using the popular open source MySQL... jCore jCore server is the core system on which you can build your jCore client sites. This is the... ocPortal ocPortal is the website Content Management System (a CMS) for building and maintaining a dynamic... phpwcms phpwcms is a robust and simple but yet powerful web based content management system running under... razorCMS razorCMS began as a databaseless flat file content management system, forked from a project... sNews sNews is a completely free, standards compliant, PHP and MySQL driven Content Management System....
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